Is your personality suited to working at home?
Working at home is a good thing – isn’t it? We avoid the commute, have longer lie-ins, and can even work in our pyjamas! Certainly, this...

Video interview – are you feeling confident?
Interviews are stressful - they always have been. But, when you throw in a world turned upside down by Covid-19 and video interviews...

Self-devaluation: the silent scourge of success during restructure
‘Ping’ You receive a group email inviting you to the conference room at 3pm. Your colleagues enthusiastically speculate about what it’s...

Does knowing your Hogwarts house help build workplace relationships?
Just answer 10 questions to discover if you are A friendly and fair Hufflepuff? An intelligent and studious Ravenclaw? An ambitious...

Emotional hygiene is crucial for your business. Learn why
Hi, I would like to introduce the one thing that could save your business money, improve your results and make your employees happier. I...

A training room revolution
For many a year now the workplace training room has dutifully provided continuity from the school classroom to workplace professional...